The Methodical Approach

Structured training…
Mastering every day in a healthy and injury-free way…

These are the simply formulated goals of Methodical Physical Education Training (M.P.E.T.)

As the average fitness level in the daily living activities, the exercise quality is noticeably decreasing and the demands on strength and athleticism are constantly increasing, even at work, strength training has generally taken on a very important role as a measure for the targeted improvement of muscular performance. Unfortunately, there are still many reservations about “strength training”, but these can no longer be seriously justified on the basis of current knowledge and the latest research.

The recommended training methods and training plans paint a picture that is characterised by methods derived from competitive sport and only slightly reduced. The recommendations in practice are still far too often characterised by stubborn reservations, outdated views and dangerous ignorance. Hardly verifiable and inadmissibly generalised, albeit well-intentioned, views such as the recommendation of exercises using your own body weight instead of additional resistance, the preference for guided training equipment and the obvious avoidance of exercises with free weights, which are apparently all too often confused by competitive athletes with maximum strength training or competition-oriented strength training, further contribute to the fact that strength training is generally avoided out of ignorance.

Leading experts in the field of effective and scientifically based strength training make it clear that strength training on machines and equipment not only restricts joint movements, but can also negatively affect the brain’s circuits and programming, thus greatly reducing the functional ability of the muscles to perform a movement efficiently. As a result, there is little or no transfer to the intended movement sequences in everyday life, at work and in sports.

It is precisely these inadequately applied training methods and the frequent lack of professional and scientifically based support that increasingly lead to the development of one form of muscular imbalance or another.

Why M.P.E.T.?

M.P.E.T. offers the opportunity to create a sustainable, individual training programme that also fits into everyday working life so that it can be carried out continuously.

The M.P.E.T. approach is based on scientific training successes and methods from the Soviet era, which have been developed and modified over a decade with over 500 athletes during my previous phases of work for today’s performance levels in sport and rehabilitation.

In terms of content, M.P.E.T. is based on a broad based athletic training programme with a high level of coordination at all times and the timely technical training of training exercises under load on a later occassion. This includes not only running, jumping, throwing etc. as general basic polysport skills, but also the age appropriate and solid movement training of exercises on the selected training equipment.

The structure of the M.P.E.T. training levels (P.E.M. concept) is also ideally suited for those interested in military and governmental special units outside of sport to successfully master their physical preparation and maintenance within this structure.

Why M.P.E.T.?

The aim of M.P.E.T. is to sustainably promote functional and structural adaptations to the higher demands through resistance, which in turn means that classic strength training methods (e.g. hypertrophy) and load orientated programming cannot be used here.

Instead, age specific and level adapted focal points are set and the focus is on continuous promotion and control of movement quality. In addition to the coordination of a broad motor and basic athletic training, this includes a moderate, age- and level appropriate load programming and, above all, an interpretation of the training as “learning training”.

The basic principles of the training equipment selected and the exercises used include and combine speed, strength, flexibility and coordination, which are essential for all everyday and professional requirements. Contrary to general opinion, however, these training exercises are by no means to be understood as a performance output reserve in the maximum strength range, but rather serve as a means for qualified and high quality basic sports training.

What is M.P.E.T. good for?

The following benefits of M.P.E.T. have been scientifically proven and are used in practice on a daily basis:

  • Strengthening the passive structures of the musculoskeletal system
  • Optimum effects on posture (minimisation and elimination of deficits)
  • Increased local muscle endurance capacity
  • Improved joint stability and considerable stabilisation aid for strong growth
  • Injury prevention
  • Improvement of motor skills (speed, coordination, agility)
  • Polysportive basis for other or additional requirements (performance transfer)
  • Improved body and self-esteem and self-confidence in your own abilities

Getting started with structured strength training is worthwhile at any time and at any performance level and is entirely possible with a great affinity for kinesiology. With an appropriate load, training is not even dangerous and is therefore ultimately indispensable. The basis for this should always be up-to-date knowledge of strength and athletic training, as well as experience in professional supervision and planning control. An appropriate infrastructure can also be valuable in order to be able to carry out sensible but also responsible physical training with different training equipment.

“Without solid basics, no specialisation!”